Manual Overrides

Product Details

ATI offers four manual overrides for operating our valve actuators.

ATI -Actuators - Manual Overrides - photo

Product Highlights

ATI offers four manual overrides for operating our valve actuators.

JS-1 – single-acting mechanism that extends the actuator piston rod when operated. Intended for infrequent use.

JS-2 – Capable of extending or retracting the actuator and can be engaged at any position from fully open to fully closed. Since the entire manual override mechanism is incorporated into the actuator adapter bracket, the power cylinder can be serviced or removed while maintaining complete control of the valve.

HO-1 – A one-way hydraulic override for use on spring-return actuators. This override compresses the spring and operates the valve. The spring force is used to move the valve to the failure position.

HO-2 is used on double acting actuators and is capable of extending or retracting the actuator. The HO-2 also allows for very precise speed control by regulating the flow of the hydraulic fluid in the system.


ATI Manual Overrides are used in the following industries. Click below to learn more.

Oil & Gas | Power | Chemical | Mining | Pulp & Paper | Water

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